Monday, December 04, 2006


Today at lunchtime I was walking on the hike-and-bike, and passed by someone at just the spot where I passed the "Smile!" guy from last week.

It did strike me, as I approached him, that it might indeed be the same guy. I don't really look at people when I'm out and about - do you? It's kind of second nature to avoid eye contact. I'm really very shy, you know.

So I didn't really remember what he looked like as I hadn't seen him closely in the first place, but he looked like he could be the same person, so I was thinking about the encounter as we passed. And as we did, he said something to me. I didn't hear it clearly. But it sounded an awful lot like, "You're right."

Do you ever freak out? What if Bitching Smoker is reading my blog? Fortunately, I've stated on several occasions that I think she's pretty cool. But what about Coworker-You-Id - oh, never mind, he wouldn't be able to figure out how to use the internet. But what about other, slightly more highly-functioning coworkers? Ex-in-laws?? The Wilford Brimley lookalike from the Horseshoe Lounge??? My boss???? Any and everybody on the World Wide Web?!?!?

Man, I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


At December 05, 2006 7:40 AM, Blogger Pam said...

I have the same paranoia - the ILs are reading, the Dean, my students....ahhhh!!


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