Friday, July 28, 2006

Well THAT Was a Dumbass Thing To Do

Walking home from work, I have to cross this parking lot driveway that a lot of cars use to make a U-turn from the opposite direction on Riverside. Today there was a silver Mustang, in the center turn lane, with its left turn signal on, waiting to turn into the driveway; but there was also a police car in the driveway, waiting to turn right onto the street.

Just as I began to cross the driveway, the driver of the Mustang saw her opening and swooped in, causing me to leap backwards onto the sidewalk. But the police car, not realizing the Mustang was making a yooey rather than just turning left into the parking lot, also pulled forward to take advantage of the same opening and make his right turn. Both slammed on their brakes and a nose-on collision nearly ensued.

I stood and waited and laughed (but politely refrained from pointing) as the Mustang hurriedly straightened out and completed the U-turn.

And did the cop turn on his lights and go after her? No. Apparently making a reckless and illegal U-turn, nearly mowing down a pedestrian and then topping it off by almost ramming a police car are not ticketable offenses.

I should have pointed.


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