Monday, April 30, 2007

Everybody Loves PowerPoint

Most of the past week at work was spent putting together a PowerPoint presentation on the ins and outs of the bureaucratic process that governs an administrative function of the state highway system. Our office receives and researches requests from local entities, circulates them internally, then puts together the documentation to present to a higher body, which closely reviews the materials in order to arrive at a careful and well-thought-out decision.

Putting together this presentation is probably the most fun I've had yet at work. I've worked with PowerPoint before, but had no idea you could do so much with it. You could practically make a feature-length film! Though it's pretty cumbersome, and once you have multiple animated elements all depending on one another's timing, it's much too easy to mess up.

I know my presentation will probably have to be toned down a little before I'm allowed to give it to a real audience, but I'm pushing for the original version. The bureaucratic process isn't really known for its excitement factor. A few explosions and the odd flying farm animal can only help.

They might make me redo my closing slide.

But that's okay. From now on, if you ever come across an official-looking document with "WHATEVER" stamped across it backwards, you'll know that PowerPoint, and I, were involved.

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At April 30, 2007 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you obviously did not spend any time making power point presentations for a certain barbee doll for sales competitions among the account slaves. you must have been gone by then.

At April 30, 2007 8:51 PM, Blogger Beth said...

"sales competitions"? Who'd've thought it could get worse?!?

I did have to do presentations, but unless I'm remembering way wrong, she wasn't really into whirling livestock.

At least, not at work.


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