Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Where's My Ejector Seat Button??

We use Novell GroupWise at work. It's like Outlook, only not as sexy. You can use it to set tasks. The panicmonger loves to do this.

I think she likes it so much because that way, she doesn't have to deal with her employees in person when telling them to do ridiculous shit that really doesn't need to be done and is only going to get in the way of their work.

None of us openly roll our eyes at her - not quite. But it's a very near thing. Of coure, we all realize that the reason she assigns these tasks is because otherwise she doesn't feel involved. She doesn't know how to do our job. She doesn't seem to be entirely clear on exactly what our job is. But she does know one thing: that, come hell or high water, by God, she's going to manage us - like it or not.*

When you receive a task notification through GroupWise, it gives you three options: Accept, Decline, or Delegate. There is of course a fourth option, which is Ignore; and this is in fact the option that most of us generally select. But due to an amazing lack of foresight on Novell's part, there's no button for it.

Fortunately we all have keyboards equipped with the latest in "delete" keys.

Still, I think the fact that GroupWise does not have an ejector seat button clearly indicates that Novell doesn't know the first thing about its users.


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