Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I'm on a roll,
I'm on a roll this time,
I feel my luck could change...

That's actually a photo of a cardinal, perched in the live oak in the backyard on Sunday. For some reason I always think cardinals are really good luck, so I followed it around for several minutes taking pictures, and this is the best one I was able to get; which might give the lie to my theory.

Today seemed like an excellent day to stay home and pamper the bum leg. They say to ice muscle sprains, which just seems sadistic. Hasn't my poor leg been through enough? I've been putting a heat pad on it and it feels wonderful, though I keep having to fight the cats for it (the heat pad, not my leg). I'll go back to work tomorrow, but I guess I'm driving, for a little while, at least.

Anna made me a birthday card. It says,
Deear mommy
birthday i love
you so much
you to yes you do
so much yes
yes yes as
much as
a hipo

She's a nice baby. I might actually love her even more than a hippo.

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At April 18, 2007 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At April 20, 2007 11:05 AM, Blogger Bainwen Gilrana said...

Aww, poor leg. I hope it feels better soon.


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