Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tending Life

I think playing in the dirt is very therapeutic. Cats generally think so, too, though for somewhat more immediate physical reasons.

Slappy White intrudes, here, on what was supposed to be a portrait of Spikey, the crack weed from Corpus, who's been making babies like mad. A couple of weeks ago the top of him broke off, so I stuck it back in the dirt. It resumed growing, and the bottom half took off in a new direction from the break. I guess if you can make it in a driveway crack in Corpus, you can make it anywhere.

So this weekend I got a new bag of soil and a few pots, repotted some rootbound plants, and finally got around to planting these clippings from Margie's birthday present, which have been rooting frenetically in a bottle of water at my desk for a month and a half. They don't seem to know quite what to think of being suddenly earthbound. I hope they'll survive.

I'm concerned about this guy:

He was a birthday present to me, two and a half years ago, from a client. Did great in my office in Corpus, did okay in the apartment, but here at the house he does not seem to be content either inside or out. I thought maybe he was rootbound, and repotted him, and this morning he looked a lot perkier. But now he's all droopy again. What's it take?? What does a girl have to do to make you happy?!?

Cats are easier to please than plants. All they ever really want is just to be on the other side of the nearest door.

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At November 06, 2007 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

> But now he's all droopy again.
> What's it take?? What does a girl
> have to do to make you happy?!?

He's a spathyphyllum, which wants a lot of water relative to other house plants... Soak him more than you think sane.


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