The Things Cats Do
I wanted to post a scan of a birthday card Jim got from his sister. It has a picture of a cat, covered by a blanket, lying on his stomach on a massage table, a masseuse cat preparing to rub him down. "Just a little licking around the butt area," the first cat is saying.
I'm sorry, but that card should totally have been for me, birthday or no birthday. Google it if you don't know why. I dare you!
Anyway, I plugged in the scanner, and two breakers tripped and all the power went out in my bedroom. Flipped the switches and the power came back on, but the scanner will not; I think it might be fried.
Oh well. We hardly ever used it anyway.
Forgive my disjointedness. There have been a couple of glasses of sangria. It's actually been a fairly stressful week, as weeks working in the public sector go. It's not really that easy to stress me out, though I'm much better at appearing calm than I am at actually feeling calm. But the panicmonger supervisor, the Ineffectual Perfectionist, takes a toll on us all. I'm tired and discouraged. There are times that I really feel, even though people I love deeply, passionately, with all my heart, have moved away, that my job isn't too bad and I can stick it out indefinitely. At least as long as they keep showing up to break. But then the boss starts hovering, radiating useless anxiety and disapproval, and I'm simultaneously demoralized and guilt-ridden. Work becomes a fairly unhappy place. This isn't good.
Oops, did I just type that out loud?
The conference is over, and it will get better, and it's silly to fret. Work will be calm and mostly boring and occasionally productive again. And there are new people starting, some of whom are bound to be fun. And Robbie won't have to get all flustered and pull an A, because the panicmonger - who is surely seeking desperately for another job - will eventually have to find one.
She just needs to hurry up about it, because she keeps producing litters upon litters of kittens over every little thing, and kittens grow up into cats, and you know what cats do.
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